Our special Quit Smoking Treatment has an up to 90% success rate.
Although 70% of smokers want to quit and 35% attempt to quit each year, fewer than 5% succeed. The low rate of successful quitting and the high rate of relapse are due to the effects of nicotine addiction. Studies have proven that nicotine is more addictive than heroin.
Our Quit Smoking Treatment greatly reduces your craving by helping your body remove all the nicotine and any other addictive chemicals from your system very quickly, making it easier for you to quit.
The unique and individually tailored Quit Smoking Treatment includes phase cancellation, which helps to remove the energetic imprint of nicotine and other cigarette chemicals from your body and stops the craving, making it easier for you to give up the habit.
Our Quit Smoking Treatment also includes treatment to detoxify the lungs and liver and support it to give you a healthy body to enjoy life.
Bioresonance can help you break the addiction!